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please email bert@k12researchidaho.com 

 New, Important and/or Noteworthy 

Education reporters fail to accurately interpret and report two NAEP scores:
NAEP proficiency in a subject, and the NAEP Proficient achievement level

A four-page discussion (with references) using NAEP fourth grade reading to clarify the difference between fourth graders who exhibit “proficiency in reading” and fourth graders who read at the NAEP Proficient level. Classroom teachers know what must be to assign an “A” grade (equivalent to the NAEP Proficient level), or a “C or B” grade (equivalent to NAEP proficiency in the subject). The very important final note: When a state has 45% of its students scoring at the NAEP Proficient level in reading, it means that 45% of the students performed at a high level (“A”). It does not mean that 55% of students are reading below grade level or can’t read at all.

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Impact of Pandemic Mandates on Reading and Mathematics Achievement

naep 22 gr 4 reading total

A five-page pictorial of the impact on student achievement from the federal, state, and local government mandates for the conduct of public schools in Idaho and across the nation. It looks at results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP 2022) in reading and math at grades 4 and 8. Reading Total is a composite of two reading scores: reading for literary experience and reading to gain information. Math Total is a composite of five math scores: algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and statistics, and number properties and operations. The pre-pandemic patterns of NAEP achievement are shown for 2015, 2017, and 2019. [NAEP 2024 is in progress. Will we be looking at recovery or further decline?]

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Idaho's "Honesty Gap" that never was, is now moot. (PDF)  [2018-07-14]

Published Papers

Stoneberg, B.D. (2015). Real Cost-Benefit Analysis Is Needed in American Public Education. (PDF)

Stoneberg, B.D.  (2015). The relationship between the rigor of a state's proficiency standard and student achievement in the state. (PDF)

Stoneberg, B.D. (2007). Using NAEP to Confirm State Test Results in the No Child Left Behind Act. (PDF) 

Stoneberg, B.D. (2005). Please Don’t Use NAEP Scores to Rank Order the 50 States. (PDF)

For additional papers available on the web see https://eric.ed.gov/?q=stoneberg

Last update: February 12, 2024

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