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Bert Stoneberg, Ph.D.
K-12 Research Idaho

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The Idaho Constitution

Article IX Education and School Lands.   Section 2. Board of Education. The general supervision of the state educational institutions and public school system of the state of Idaho, shall be vested in a state board of education, the membership, powers and duties of which shall be prescribed by law. The state superintendent of public instruction shall be ex officio member of said board.

Article III Legislative Department.   Section 19. Local and Special Laws Prohibited.  The legislature shall not pass local or special laws in any of the following enumerated cases, that is to say: [...] Providing for the management of common schools [...]

Rules Governing Throughness

IDAPA 08 Title 02 Chapter 000.  Legal Authority. All rules in this Thoroughness chapter (IDAPA 08.02.03) are promulgated pursuant to the authority of the State Board of Education under Article IX, Section 2 of the Idaho Constitution and under sections 33-116, 33-118, and 33-1612, Idaho Code. Specific statutory references for particular rules are also noted as additional authority where appropriate. [Note: Rules Governing Thoroughness are subject to legislative review.]

Idaho Statutes

Title 33 Education, Chapter 1

33-116 State Board of Education.  School districts under board supervision. All school districts in Idaho, including specially chartered school districts, shall be under the supervision and control of the state board.

33-118. Courses of study -- Curricular materials -- online courses.  (1) The state board shall prescribe the minimum courses to be taught in all public elementary and secondary schools, and shall cause to be prepared and issued, such syllabi, study guides and other instructional aids as the board shall from time to time deem necessary. (2) The board shall determine how and under what rules curricular materials shall be adopted for the public schools. […]

Title 33 Education, Chapter 16

33-1612 Courses of Instruction.  Thorough system of public schools. [ ... ] The state board shall adopt rules, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, and section 33-105(3), Idaho Code, to establish a thorough system of public schools with uniformity as required by the constitution, but shall not otherwise impinge upon the authority of the board of trustees of the school districts. Authority to govern the school district, vested in the board of trustees of the school district, not delegated to the state board, is reserved to the board of trustees.

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