Bert Stoneberg, Ph.D.
K-12 Research Idaho

What Do NAEP Scores Mean?  [NAEP Achievement Levels]

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The text below was excerpted from a blog by Diane Ravitch, a former member of the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB). NAGB sets the definitions for the NAEP achievement levels.

"Since I served on NAGB for seven years, I can explain what the board’s 'achievement levels' mean. There are four levels. At the top is 'advanced.' Then comes 'proficient.' Then 'basic.' And last, 'below basic.'

"Advanced is truly superb performance, which is like getting an A+."

"Proficient is akin to a solid A."

"Basic is akin to a B or C level performance. Good but not good enough."

"And below basic is where we really need to worry. These are the students who really don’t understand math or read well at all."

Please read her short blog post at

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